Finding the right idea

There isn’t one ‘right’ idea that’s going to make you successful.

I think about it like this.

You can't learn to ride a bike perfectly before you get on a bike. And you can't figure out the right idea before testing it out in the real world.

This doesn't mean you have to risk everything you have.

But it does mean you'll have to stop ruminating on it, asking your partner what they think about it, and polling friends. This is a good thing. Ruminating is how we slowly drive ourselves and the people we love crazy.

The process for figuring out what you want to do isn't complicated. You'll take action, get feedback, learn from it, tweak it, and test it again.

Every time you take action, you'll learn a little bit more about what works, what doesn't, what lights you up, and what doesn't. Every time you tweak it, the idea gets better.

You don't need to find the one good idea. You're not searching a cave for a gem. You're a sculptor, creating a masterpiece that you'll tweak, add to, and subtract from over the course of your lifetime.

There are no ‘right’ ideas.

There are just ideas you test, learn from, and iterate on. This is the process of innovation. And it's how you'll make money doing what you love.

The best idea is the idea you have right now.

You only fail if you give up.


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