Day Camp
A six month group coaching program for folks who want to make money doing what they love.
Enrollment for Spring 2024 is now open.
Set a goal.
Get six months of support and community.
Achieve the goal.
What you want.
To do your work without feeling resentful that you’re not getting paid enough. To have the autonomy to decide how you do your work, when you do it, and who you do it for. To not feel so awful when it’s time to sell. To have financial independence. To have the time to work on your art. Or to read. Or to go to your kids dance class. To finally feel good enough. To know in your bones that you aren’t bothering anyone or being pushy when you talk about your work. To build relationships with real people who want to buy only from you. To work part time hours, so you can make it to your kids gymnastics class every week. To make money ethically and with less fear. To be kind to yourself as you do it.
This is Day Camp.
The Logistics
What’s included
You’ll set your goal at the live event and meet your peers.
These are the meat of the program. The structure of these calls changes every week.
Typically, we start by exploring an idea (for ex: We’ll explore thoughts you have about the value of your work or how you see yourself in relationship to other people in your field -- are you new, a novice, etc?, etc.), we’ll have a discussion, and people can ask for coaching around what they discovered.
Some weeks, we check in with everyone to see how they’re doing with their goal, what they’re celebrating, and what they need support with.
If you don’t get the coaching you need from the live call, you can bring it to the Slack channel for coaching and support in-between calls. This is a really good way to share celebrations, where you’re struggling, and how your peers or Christine can support you.
It’s easier and more fun to achieve goals in a community.
When everyone around you is going for it, it’s easier for you to be brave and to go for it, too. Taking risks and learning from failures becomes normal when everyone around you is doing it.
How it works
You’ll set one goal that, if achieved, would change everything. We’ll set that goal together at the live event.
We’ll capitalize on the momentum from the live event and get started right away.
You can ask for coaching, new perspectives from your peers, or actual, tangible support (for ex: “I’m facilitating a workshop, can you all share this with your communities?”)
So everyone can celebrate with you and learn from what’s working.
Elevate their messages, refer them to people in your community, and re-share their work. Everyone in the group is connected to millions of people. It often only takes 10-30 customers to make a huge difference in someone’s business. Community support matters.
Asking for support can be hard.
We do it a lot in Day Camp. You can ask for support on your mindset, your emotions, support brainstorming, or for accountability from the grorup. You get to decide what kind of support you want. You get to ask for it. And then you can receive it.
(If you have trouble asking for and receiving help, Day Camp will be both deeply uncomfortable and really, really good for you.) -
Day Camp is designed to be done over and over again. You can always set and achieve new goals, even if you’re really proud of what you’ve accomplished. (Some people set a goal to have more ease, to be able to enjoy their time off, or to feel more confident. You get to decide the pace and speed of your growth.)
At Day Camp, you’re going to go from…
"There’s obstacles I’m putting in my own way and I can’t see them” —> “I know exactly what I need to work on, why I keep putting obstacles in my way, and what to do instead.”
“I hate selling and have this fear of being salesy, annoying, or people thinking I’m weird and desperate” —> “I know what I’m doing and I’m actually really good at it. I’ve figured out how to market my work in a way that feels good for me. Marketing feels really natural.”
”I’m really concerned with how I’m perceived. I need to decide what my brand is and how I want to be perceived first before I can start sharing my work” —> “I know how to be myself and build relationships with people and that’s all marketing is. This is my life. I’m the only one who needs to love it and be happy with it.”
“I have 300 notes with ideas on my phone and I never share any of them” —> “I share my ideas all the time. This is about building relationships with real people, and I’m really good at building relationships with people.”
“When I sit down to work, I get really easily distracted. I tend to avoid a lot the things on my list”—> “I’m really aware of the ways I try to protect myself by avoiding uncomfortable things. I have a lot of compassion for myself. And I know exactly what to do when I catch myself avoiding.”
“I feel a lot of pressure, fear, panic, and overwhelm when I try to sell. I hate it. I wish I could just do the work and not have to worry about selling.” —> “I’m really good at making money. And I’m really good at having money.”
“I ethically disagree with capitalism and wish I didn’t have to worry about making money at all” —> “I get to shift and change the way capitalism works with how I run my business.”
“I spend so much time working on my program but when I go to sell it, no one buys. And then I start to wonder if I should just go back to what I was selling before and give up on my new offer or if there’s a different offer that would sell better” —> “Sometimes offers don’t sell right away. It’s a pretty normal experience. It doesn’t mean anything. I know what to do to solve for this.”
Important Dates
Virtual Kickoff Event: Saturday, March 9th, 10am - 3pm EST
Weekly Calls: 3/13/24 - 8/21/24
Call Times: Wednesdays, 12-1:30 pm EST
We’ve got you.
This is a safe space for you. I’m here to help. Your peers are here to help. You’ve got support. It’s time to go do a brave thing.
The Investment
Investment can be paid in full or in monthly installments of $333.34.
Join Day Camp
Give yourself the support you need to make money doing what you love.
Send me an email at