Having the time to do what you love

You need to have time to do what you love. You might think this means you need to take fewer yoga classes, walk your dog less, or volunteer less at your kids school. There’s the myth of the 5 am side hustler who grinds it out from sunrise to sunset, everything strategic and efficient and on purpose.

But this isn’t necessary.

You can make money doing what you love, without 20+ hours a week to focus on it. You don’t have to give up your favorite TV show. The majority of my clients build profitable businesses while they work in their full time jobs, while going to weekly yoga classes, daily walks, and walking away from their computers at lunch time.

You don’t need to have lots of extra time.

You just need to be a good steward of the time you do have.

Here’s how you do it.

Gain awareness: Understand where you’re spending your time now and why you’re spending your time there. I teach my clients a self-coaching tool to do this. There’s a difference between cleaning the entire house because you think no one can do it better than you and signing up for your favorite yoga teacher’s class because you love how it makes you feel. You want to know which is which.

Schedule consciously: You’ll schedule time for the things that are important to you. And you’ll delegate, hire out, postpone, or gracefully quit the things you’re only doing because you think you have to. My clients hire house cleaners, say no to last minute work requests, and turn down overtime. Creating time to do what they love demands they stop adding things to their calendar out of fear, pressure, or social obligation.

You’re not the victim of your schedule, you create it. It’s time to create it on purpose.


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