If monetizing this feels gross or hard
Maybe you're critical of capitalism. Maybe the thought of monetizing something that's meaningful to you feels gross, or maybe you just really hate the idea of ‘selling yourself.’ Or you're already exhausted because you've been hustling for too long and you don't have it in you to build a business.
You can be sleazy, manipulative, and hustle all the time to make money. That's one way. You can also make money and build a business that fuels the belief that more is always better, no matter the cost. That is also one way.
Here, we're doing it a different way.
We're working on our businesses in the hours we decide we are – and then we put down our work to coach t-ball teams, make it our favorite yoga class, and sit in the grass. We don't sell by manipulating, pushing pain points, and convincing. We sell by giving so much to the communities we serve that making money becomes inevitable. We sell by creating such incredible products that our clients love giving us their money – because the value exchange is in their favor, always. We feel great about the money we make and the way we make money. We feel great about our contribution to the planet and humanity.
Because we've decided to make money doing what we love, we've changed the way humans work, create, and rest forever.
We're changing the way the game is played.
In our world, all thriving is mutual. We never sacrifice tomorrow's energy to pay for today. We never prioritize short term profits over longterm relationships or sustainability. Our work, our businesses, and our free time honor the interdependence of all living things.
We're making lots of money in fields where people have never made money because we are not playing by old, outdated, stuffy, awful rules. We're making our own.
Make money doing what you love. Sleep in. Make it your kids t-ball game. Create something beautiful. Be part of the generation that will change how humans live, work, play, and rest – forever.
Start today. Right now, today. Start now.