You'd do what you love, but you're not good enough

Believing you're not good enough makes doing what you love excruciatingly painful.

No matter how much you achieve, it's not enough. No matter how much money you have, you don't have enough. No matter how well-prepared you are to teach your workshop, you spend the entire evening wondering: why did I say that? Why did she react like that? Why am I so bad at this? Why can't I just get over this? What's wrong with me? Why is this so much easier for other people?

Being not good enough is exhausting. This one thought makes it feel like you are dragging the most sensitive, creative, and important part of you through horse shit while the entire world points and laughs.

It does not have to be that way.

I teach my clients 3 skills that, when practiced again and again, neuter this thought. One of those skills is awareness.

When you watch a movie for the first time, you know the movie isn't real - but you still feel anxious with the characters. If you were to watch that movie 100 times, you'd be bored with it. Your attention would wander. You'd probably turn it off in the first 3 minutes, even if you were in the middle of a slasher scene.

The same thing happens when you strengthen the skill of awareness.

When you become aware of how you react, how it feels, and what happens in your life when you believe this thought -- you become bored with it. 

I'm not talking about: "oh, I know. I start to question myself and I feel awful" awareness.

I am talking about: "my chest starts to sink in, my shoulders cave, I feel really small, I see images of the last time I taught a workshop and that person signed off early, I start to imagine a future where I fail and I have to quit and I live at home and everyone knows, I reduce my price, I start to offer to work for free, I think about why my friend didn't respond to my text, should I text her again?, and then I judge myself for being so insecure…" awareness.

With that kind of awareness, you don't have to force yourself to stop believing a thought. You just become bored of it.

Your mind will tell you that this isn't necessary. It will tell you that you pretty much already know what happens, you don't need to do any further work. It will tell you that it will be too painful to relive these experiences. It will tell you that it's not such a big deal, don't worry about it, and don't look at it.

Don't listen to it.

It is far more excruciating to live your life so small, so tightly wound, and so afraid that you end up on your death bed, wondering what would've happened if you'd gone for it.

I have clients right now who are writing their first book. Clients who are starting businesses. Leaving their jobs. Launching non-profits.

They all started right where you are.

So, just take notice. 

What happens, how do you react, when you believe the thought, "I'm not good enough"? How do you feel? What do you do, what don't you do?

Watch the movie.


You don’t need the perfect plan


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