Making a decision when you don’t know what to do with your life
There’s no right decision.
Figuring out what you want to do with your life isn’t a math formula. You can’t accurately calculate the profitability of your art before you even decide to sell it and you can’t determine ahead of time if people will like your work before you even offer it.
The decision about what you do and how you do it isn’t what’s going to make you successful or not.
That’s too much pressure to put on a decision. As long as you believe there’s a right decision and you have to find it, you’ll stay entirely in your own head, troubleshooting problems you don’t have yet, talking through dozens of scenarios, and not acting on any of them.
This cycle isn’t useful.
There’s no answer out in the world that’s going to give you the confidence you’re looking for to decide.
The goal isn’t to get it right. The goal is to make a decision and then make that the right decision.
We give this advice to college freshmen all the time: trust what you know right now to decide on a major. Complete your degree. You’ll figure out how to use it when you graduate. We don’t tell them that they have to get it right or their lives will be ruined, they’ll have wasted all their money, and everyone will laugh at them. We tell them what we already know to be true: there are no right decisions. Just decisions you make and commit to.
No matter what decision you make right now, it will lead you where you want to go.
Deciding what you want to do with your life is simple.Decide right now that you won’t spend the next few months or years stuck in the exact same place, trying to figure it all out before you begin. And then make a decision based on what you already know to be true. Commit to it. Make that the right decision – and it will be.
There are no right decisions. Just decisions we make the right ones.