3 ways to be confused
There are a lot of ways to be confused. Here are three of them.
Way #1: Drowning person tries swimming harder
I don’t know what to do, I keep changing my mind, every time I think I know what I want to do I think of a reason I shouldn’t do that. I feel panicked. I talk to a lot of people about it, they all tell me something different. My pro/con lists are just confusing me more. I've read all the self-help books, they don't work or I'm even more confused. I have a lot of ideas about what I could do next and I can't decide. Some days I think I'll do one thing, the next day I think I'll do something else. And then I feel so frustrated and overwhelmed, I don't do anything. I'm scared of making a decision I'll regret.
Way #2: Creative person, determined to make this a creative project
I know it’s time for something new and I’m still figuring out exactly what it is. This entire process is really fun and exciting for me. Some days I just sit down and daydream about what I could do. I made a vision board last week and I’m noticing that in all of my envisioning, I have a flexible schedule and I’m outside in nature. It’s cool to notice how important those are to me. I’m not sure exactly what I want to do – do I sell my art, do I build a consulting practice, do I start that handywoman business? – so I’m going to do a little bit of all three this week and see how each feels. I learn something new every week. It's really exciting.
Way #3: Spiritual seeker, sits under tree until tree tells her what's next
I don’t know exactly what’s next, which means it’s time for me to start getting really still. I’m going to meditate more, journal more, and go on walks by myself more. I may even order a new tarot deck or spend the day in a bookstore, seeing what pops out at me. I know this decision isn’t going to be made with my rational mind, so I’m not going to try to make pro/con lists or force myself to decide. I’ll let the decision make me.
Way #1 is really exhausting.
If you've been stuck in #1 for a while, book a consultation. I can help. Figuring out what's next could be fun.