Do this if everything feels hard
You’ve got to stop focusing on you.
That’s what’s happening when you’re worried about coming off as too much, too salesy, too annoying, as a fraud. When you’re up to your eyeballs in despair because you’re convinced nothing is working, you are focused on you.
Your income. Your client list. Your revenue. Your reputation. Your future. What people think of you.
And when you think only about you, your business will feel awful and heavy and hard. People will stop buying. People will stop engaging. People will stop referring. People will ghost you.
Because nobody is interested in how they can help you feel better about yourself, how they can use their money to make you feel more successful, how you changed your prices or program because it worked better for you.
They want to know how you can help them.
They want to know that you understand them. That you’re listening to them. That you’re here for them. That your work, your knowledge, your expertise will make their lives better in the way they want their lives to be better.
The good news is, being of service to them will feel 10000% better than being of service only to you.
Giving feels good. Being generous feels good. Service feels good.
I love you. I’ll talk to you next week.
PS. I worked in nonprofits for a decade. Small businesses are just as effective (if not more effective, IMO) at enacting positive social change than most nonprofits. Take this taco stand, this chicken shop, or this refill store, for example. They’re changing their communities without changing the laws or… getting anyone else’s approval. And they're getting paid to do it. You’re only helpless if you think you are. We are all connected. It all matters. Give your idea the green light right now, today. Making money doing what you love is simple. I can help you. Book your free consultation today.