Selling cheaper things isn’t easier

Cheap things don’t sell themselves.

A lot of people make the mistake of believing that if they launch a cheaper course, workshop, or product – it will be really easy to sell. This is a myth.

Selling cheap things requires just as much energy as selling expensive things. Because for every product, offer, or course you sell – you have to learn how to sell that thing. It’ll be different from how you’ve sold other offers or products.

Learning to sell isn’t hard.

But it does require energy and focus.

And if you’re trying to sell a lot of things all at once, while launching a podcast, while writing a book, while designing a course…

It will be hard to do all of those things well.

And that’s okay.

Pick one, maybe two.

Take the time to create something you believe in. Learn to talk about it. Learn to sell it. Learn to deliver on it. And then do it again.

When you do this, you will sell exceptionally special products to people who love buying from you. Not just people who are looking for someone who does what you do.

It’s 2022. We can work, play, and rest differently. More consciously. And when we do, it will change the world.

Slow down. You’re right on time.


Finding the right business idea


Do this if everything feels hard