How often would we meet?

This is a part of an email series, “Deciding if coaching is right for you.” To sign up for the full series click here.

We’ll meet for one hour on the same day, at the same time, every week for six months. I created this cadence to make your success inevitable.

In the beginning, you want as much accountability and support as humanly possible. And you don’t want to be getting that support from a partner or best friend.

Hearing hard truths from loved ones can strain or ruin relationships – and most of your friends will have never been where you want to go.

I want you to do what you love and keep your relationships.

Weekly coaching helps you make more progress, with less confusion.

You won’t talk through the same problem with five different friends and get five different opinions. You’ll talk through it with one person. You’ll make a decision, commit to it, move forward, and learn…every single week for six months.

Weekly coaching keeps you on track.

You won’t wake up six months later and realize you haven’t made any real, tangible progress…

Because you'll have weekly accountability.

You’ll do the things you say you’re going to do, when you say you’re going to do them. And when (not if, but when) all of the fear, drama, and overwhelm pop up – you’ll coach yourself and get coached on it.

I offer one package and one package only: 6 months, weekly coaching sessions, 60 minute sessions. Because it works.

You’ll move through things faster and with less drama.

It doesn’t matter where you are in the process. If you don’t know what you want to do with your life, weekly coaching calls create momentum and quick insights. If you’re already doing what you love but it feels awful, weekly calls correct your course.

You don't want to wait weeks to get coached on something that isn't working. In this container, you won't.

Why six months?

It's enough time to make significant progress toward your goal, accounting for failures and falling off the wagon. Six months is enough time for most of my clients to create their first free clients, paid clients, first sales, first five figure months, or other significant milestones (like piloting their program) – even if they had no idea of what they wanted to do when we started.

We meet weekly for six months because it makes accomplishing your goals inevitable.

The consistency will change how your mind works, forever.

There’s no way you won't be doing what you love if we meet every week for six months.


Coaching FAQ’s, Part 2


Self-Coaching: Fertilizing your comfrey plant