What if coaching doesn’t work for me?

This is a part of an email series, “Deciding if coaching is right for you.” To sign up for the full series click here.

Let’s get this out of the way first.

I’m 100% committed to you and your dream for as long as it takes, no matter what it takes. I am all in.

I’m here to get everybody across the finish line.

And, I can’t guarantee that you’ll make enough money through your work to leave your job in six months. No coach can.

Here’s what I can guarantee:

- You'll be more peaceful and more calm at the end of our contract than you are now.

-You’ll know exactly what you want to do with your life and, in some capacity, you’ll be doing it.

-You’ll know exactly what to do to move forward.

-You'll have a self-coaching practice that will keep you moving forward, even if you never work with another coach again.

If you just had those things at the end of six months, you would know enough to go on to make loads of money doing what you love.

There's no scenario where we get to the end of six months, nothing has changed, and you don't know why. I track my clients progress as closely as I track my own.

We meet weekly for six months, on purpose. I anticipate failures, slumps, and falling off the wagon. When they happen, it's not a problem. I've planned for it.

You learn a daily self-coaching practice, on purpose. You're not just getting coached once a week, you're getting coached daily. It's impossible to get coached daily for six months and for your life not to change.

If you self-coach, this will work.

If you show up to coaching calls, this will work.

You can do this. I can help you. You’re ready. You have nothing to gain by waiting. (And it’s not nearly as hard as you think it is.)


Is coaching for me if…?


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