Is coaching for me if…?
This is a part of an email series, “Deciding if coaching is right for you.” To sign up for the full series click here.
You’re also in therapy?
A lot of people do therapy and coaching at the same time. Some people do therapy first, coaching second. Some find that when coaching starts, they no longer need therapy. It just depends. Here's how I like to frame it: if it feels like anxiety, depression, or trauma is running your life, start with therapy. If you want to start doing what you love this year, you'll want to be in coaching regardless. If therapy would be more appropriate for your specific situation, I’ll share that in the consultation call.
You don’t know what you want to do?
Coaching is for you. This is where most people start. Coaching expedites the process of figuring it out. Most of my clients make a decision in the first month of working together and they spend the next five months doing what they love. This is where coaching, as an industry, shines. You can spend months or years waiting around to figure out what's next…or you can learn a simple tool and make a decision in a few weeks. If you don't know what you want to do, coaching will help – no matter how long you've been stuck.
You know what you want to do but…you don't know how to do it?
Coaching will work for you. The process I use with my clients works in every situation, all of the time – and it helps you create a business or body of work that's unique to you. I won't tell you what to do. I’ll give you a process for figuring out how to do this, your way. That means you won’t end up dancing in reels on the internet unless you want to.
You're already doing what you love but it feels like nothing's working / you're not making much money?
Coaching is for you. You'll know exactly what's working, what isn't, and what to work on after our initial consultation call. We'll spend the next six months making your work feel a little less personal, so you’re learning new skillsets and not beating yourself up. You'll start enjoying your work more. If this is you, you’re in exactly the right place. I can help you.
You’ve already invested a ton of money into your healing, your business, or your personal development and they haven't really worked?
I hear you. Two thoughts here. (1) Sure, some coaches/healers/programs are more skilled than others. But you could get results with any of program or process. Those processes worked for someone so they could’ve worked for you, too. If we worked together, here’s where’d we start: Where in those programs did you delegate responsibility to someone else? When did you decide that it wasn't working? What could you have done that would've changed your experience of the program? Not getting results is never someone else’s fault. (2) It's nearly impossible to not get results through coaching. We meet weekly for a reason. You learn to self-coach for a reason. We keep track of your goals, for a reason. There's no scenario where six months pass, nothing has changed, and you don't know why.